Monday, 3 June 2013

Origami Tobichi

Highly intelligent classmate of Shido who is athletic, "beautiful", and the most famous person in Shido's school. She is often described as doll-like in appearance. She is the only human girlfriend of Shido. Out of all the girls who like Shido, she is the most aggressive in her pursuit of him showing no bounds in her attempts to learn more about him, get closer to him, or even on trying to get more intimate with him. She knew Shido from when they were children living in the same apartment building.
Her hatred of Spirits stems from an incident five years ago when Kotori was somehow given Spirit powers and lost control, burning down the apartment Origami was living in and killing Origami's parents; she does not know that this was Kotori, or that she'd lost control and gone mad. Due to this, she joined the AST in an attempt to find the Spirit responsible and kill whoever that may be. This singular aim of revenge has enough drive within her to overcome her calm, calculating, and composed personality for her to go to the extent of disregarding orders and hysteria.

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